Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Dear readers,

Do you know how to posts ago I said that I was going to give you an exciting adventure on this blog? Of course you do but I have a confession, I have chosen to move that to another blog dedicated solely to that project so I never feel like I have slammed it down your throat. Now of course this project requires some explanation into what it is. The story behind it is that the previous writer, Jared Charnov, approached me with a story he had been writing and asked me if I'd like to take the story over and because I am never one to avoid a perceived challenge have accepted the task. Today the first story has gone up at This title is only temporary for know as the project is not fully complete how ever I know exactly where it will end. Now do not think this blog will become barren as I will continue to have semi regular updates between these two blogs with this blog focusing on thoughts and reflections while the other focuses on what I write for the story.


Mike Hand

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