Monday, September 12, 2011

Adventure interlude #2 Thoughts based from Scott

Dear readers,

Today I feel not like discussing DADA, that shall be done at a later date. Today everything is about something Scott caused me to think about. Yes it was when he was talking about my hat and he high lighted the differences between the two of us (he wears a hat to show off while I seem to wear one for a deeper reason). This got me thinking about why I'm here and there happens to be a direct correlation to my hat in this.

As you know from a previous blog post politicians are not my favorite people how ever had it not been for politics I would not be here at the moment. Guitar and acting are all a supplement partially to one thing which is my writing and if it weren't indirectly for politics I would of never written meaning, in short, I would not be with you today. I'll let you judge if this is a good or bad thing.

Before I give you this story which will immediately take away all mystery that Scott may have surrounding my hat I will point out something very simple; I did not wear a hat when the story began. I didn't wear one until mid way through sophomore year. One more thing before I enter this story: this is a story untold and I'm leaving it here in writing. This is because horseback riding has taught me how important trust is: If the horse does not trust you he will bolt when spooked and you can get hurt.

So to begin the story I joined my first club in the high school because of my brother's interest in politics and he told me to join. The nervousness effecting other noobs effected me in another way. The nervousness made me want to speak. That club was Model Congress and while I was in a Creative Writing class at the time poetry did not find me until November of that year at the first congress when I returned inspired and wrote what was on my mind. Looking back it was terrible but for some reason other people loved it and have asked me to read it to this day as there is an apparent shortage of guys not scared to read poetry.

Now for the hat, in this club there was a man I respected very much. He was one of the greatest speakers I have seen and he would easily sway the opinions of many when he stepped on that floor and opened his mouth. The original hat was a gift from him and you shall see it later in the year.

Scott, I hope this answers any deep questions you have about why I where hat.

To everyone else please be well,

Mike Hand

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