Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Adventure #6 Anger projection

Dear readers,

Today we were suggested to blog about things that bring about certain emotions. Given that I have already done horses, discussed pinkle and politics I must now have a new topic of discussion. And today this topic shall be people who think they are more important then they actually are.

While to an extent this does fall under small time politicians (most people don't care that you were once on school board but were voted off by the ignorant hillbillies of Herricks for example) however it is a far wider category of people. For example I was driving my friend home when I glance the person in the car in front of us flip us off for no reasons. I broke no laws, drove at the speed everyone else drove at and he had space between the two of us in case he had to stop. In short he had no reason to flip me off except that he believes us to be enemies. Do I care? Not at all. What bothers me is that he suddenly thinks that he is important to me. He has no reason to think this although my theory is that he has to compensate for his small ego.

Now this category does not end there but continues to any one not called a director who instead of giving me critical feedback says something completely stupid like "your over acting in Urinetown" (I will note here that when the rehearsals began I asked Tommie about how crazy I should be and he told me that he would stop me if I thought I got to crazy).

So keep in mind this when I project anger on you,

Mike Hand


  1. Hmmm... I think you have to clarify this, or figure out where to place it in your life, or talk to the person, or find forgiveness, because, although another actor shouldn't say anything like that to you, it seems to me you're doubling down on it by sort of sniping at them in this email. Maybe you didn't mean to do that, but that is how it reads.

    You are in my class with this person, and we abide by our code, and we disagree with ideas, not with each other. Things are blurred here, though, and you have to approach this situation differently, more directly, less cryptically,

    This will do no one any good, least of all STAC as a group.

  2. Also, you are not suppose to be projecting anger. THat will lead to flat fake acting. You're project onto someone another person or relationship that causes you to yell or get annoyed. THere is a big difference.
