Friday, September 9, 2011

10 follower special

Dear readers,

While at the moment of writing I may be one short of 10 I see 9 as close enough and would like to celebrate this marker. First off I'd like to thank everyone for clicking the follow button. Second off I'd like to inform you that the content of this post will discuss one of the largest evils in the known universe. This nearly unspeakable evil is politics or more specifically how ridiculously early people start running for President.

For some background it will be necessary for me to tell you how I see a fundraiser hosted by a large name politician. A fundraiser to me is a half decent party where you invite people who you then over charge for a few drinks and then tell them that they better vote for you. In short you become the worst guess in the world.

Here is a list of declared, withdrawn, suspected and denied candidates of the 2012 election: There is more then a year until the 2012 election and there are currently over 20 candidates. Sure you may ask how that can be negative. It gets negative incredibly fast: First there is the money issue because if you have declared candidacy you are most likely touring the nation to get your name out there. Second we have an issue of what happens after people get tired of hearing your name. And third off what will someone do when they've exhausted most of the money by the time primaries come around.

That third one is particularly important to everything. You can be the best candidate in the world but the best candidate doesn't always win, the most popular with the most money will be the one to win. Keep in mind I'm just talking about the primary and nothing else. There are no people from other parties voting in this just people with nearly identical viewpoints to your own who have to choose between a few candidates of the same beliefs. So when you run out of money you have to fund raise how ever if the voters think you are an old washed up politician who they are tired of hearing about they will give you no money and you can say good bye presidency.

And all because you jumped into a race to early.

Hoping you enjoyed and/or actually cared,

Mike Hand


  1. "You can be the best candidate in the world but the best candidate doesn't always win, the most popular with the most money will be the one to win."

    This is like High School isn't it? With Superlatives coming up, High School is like politics more than it has ever been. Now, how does this relate to art? We draw inspiration from what is going on in the world and we make connections with the things that concern us the most even if no one else can see that connection. You should incorporate your interest in politics with your interest in art, it all ends up being the same in the end.

  2. I usually don't follow politics, but it's interesting to hear your opinion about what's going on, even before the big race begins.
    It's surprising to see how much you can tell about people, even before the (major) ball gets rolling, that is, past the primaries!
