Thursday, September 15, 2011

Adventure #5 Hat Thieving and Walking

Dear readers,

In this fifth adventure some of you probably can tell me what has effected me more and be correct: hat thieving or walking.

Let's start with what effected me the least: the hat. It's strange the hat effected every one on a deep emotional level but to me a hat is a hat and to my family it is a hat. It easily could have gone missing and no body would have cared or given a second thought. Maybe that is why the hat stealing did not send me into some deep spiritual journey.

To be honest something I do every day sent me on that task. And it's not like it is an under appreciated task; I often walk for long periods of time reflecting. So why is it that this time everything good and bad that has happened to me in a long time flood my head? Why is it that every significant thing I've heard; every important connection I've made in high school; many faces I saw once but have long forgotten have suddenly come back as if they are visiting me as a friend?

Some of these things I look back now and laugh so why was it that instead of laughing I felt how I felt then but amplified? Maybe there is no good reason or maybe there is only a good reason but at the end of the day that isn't what mattered: What mattered is that it happened. It reminded me not who I am or was but what I was and am.

We all sit down and wonder who we are but we always miss the other questions such as what we are. In the end the experience has left me content.

Hoping it has left you content to,

Mike Hand

1 comment:

  1. The hat had no effect on anyone, actually.

    Now, walking and reflecting does have an effect. Does it have more of an effect on you when you are alone than, say, when you walk in class?

    There are many ways to be "in your head." One will lead somewhere condusive to acting, the other won't. You need to discover the difference between the two.
