Saturday, October 8, 2011

25 Follower special

I have been debating if I would have another follower special and so I decided I would. This will be a stream of consciousness script.

(Begin scene. There are 2 man, one has an orange and the other does not. The first man bounces the orange while the other stares at it, ready to pounce. A bear is heard outside.)

Man 1: Why are you looking at my orange?
Man 2: Well what else would I look at?
Man 1: My face.
(There is a long pause as Man 2 is simply disgusted and walks around there small confines to find anything to eat going so far as to crawl on the floor.)
Man 1: Ok, this has gone on far to long. You only haven't eaten in an hour how can you be that hungry?
Man 2: It is not right to taunt a starving man.
Man 1: How have I- oh right the orange. Do you want the orange?
Man 2: Not after you have defiled its sacredness!
(Man 1 begins to eat the orange while man 2 throws himself at man 1's feet. The bear is heard again but louder.)
Man 2: You can't I'm starving.
Man 1: Look be quiet.
Man 2 (violently): I'm starving!
Man 1 (screaming): There's a bear out there!
Man 2: Oh.
(Suddenly the bear is heard again as the tent is ripped open. The bear is revealed to be a group of teenagers who all happen to be controlled by a single unified consciousness as represented be a long colorful scarf. Everyone laughs as they show their fruit basket as Man 2 throws himself at the fruit basket and eats the fruit. Everyone looks puzzled including a real bear that has wandered in. The bear then exits the same way it came in. Everyone is puzzled but proceed to laugh anyways. End scene.)

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