Saturday, October 15, 2011

Power struggles

Dear readers,

I usually post for the sake of posting or to simply not to forget posting. However I see a lot of people posting about the events of the last few days so I feel as if it would be best for me to post my views on here. However before I post any view on here I would first like to make a disclaimer: if there is any seeming bias on this post not blatantly intended by myself then please tell me and on Monday that bias will be thrown out. The purpose of this post is to create a blank slate for which I can work with next week.

That said I thought Ashley's idea is sheer genius. A massive multi media project encompassing music, acting, film, photography and possibly more. It is an amazingly ambitious project that I'm surprised more people didn't think of instantly. I would like to ask that any and all seniors reading this take a second thought on the idea for the simple reason that it is a genius idea.

Now I'd like to give a reason for why I'm against improv. Yes, you are STAC. Yes, you are some of the most talented, if not the most talented, people at what you do. That said I have ridden horses for over half a decade and was usually put into competitions that I shouldn't have been able to have handled (especially not at five in the morning). Did I win all of them? No, but I never "lost" one and I always came home with something.

What I'm trying to say is a few things. First off we can't win everything. Do we have to lose everything? Not at all but it is impossible to win at everything but I would love it if we all walked away with from this project with something.

Now for the next thing I have to do another anecdote which would make the first line of that paragraph just a little while ago make sense. "Now I'd like to give a reason for why I'm against improv." I believe it was. Last year almost a year ago a friend of mine called me and a bunch of other people to create a film group because he had to make a video project so why not make a film group? The majority of the video was improv however my friend knew the ending, he had a clear assignment and criteria that we followed and it was a great video. Then he called us together for a project that he had no real vision for the ending. It turned out terribly and I asked if I could write a script and was turned down. We then made another version of it which they insisted on showing to Mr. Brogan. He complimented me and that was our highest honor because the video was terrible. To date now this project has wasted hours of my time and we have ten scripts that will probably never meet the camera.

What does this have to do with any of you? It's the reason why I'm against doing Improv in a large project like this. Sure you might say "But we're more responsible and better" but that's what those people thought until they deluded themselves into thinking there project was good. Like wise what proof do I have that any one's more responsible when none of these people have been screwing around on random computers while there is a discussion going on?

If you read any part of this then read this. Power struggles are fun to watch but not be a part of. What I'm scared of is that everyone will come in on Monday with everything but a clean slate. What I fear is that we will break out into another struggle. I'll even drop my reasons against doing improv if everyone else drops all hostilities, be they accidental or purposeful, speaks respectfully to one another and comes in with an open mind.

Surprised if you read all that,

Mike Hand

1 comment:

  1. Why should you be surprised if I have read this whole thing? Although many people disregard the blogs, there are people, like myself, who read every one. Yes, even the tinniest blog post or the longest entry ever.

    I am commenting because I liked this post. I'm not saying that anyone is right or wrong OR that I am taking any side.

    You write extremely well and extremely beyond your years, but this blog is what I was able to truly comprehend. Power is everywhere, just go and look around.

    Everyone in the senior groups has things they will not let go of. You have found your issue, and wether or not they will admit it, the other seniors know theirs. Your issues are not something that can be worked on or around, but things that must be incorporated to their best abilities.

    Good luck to you and all the seniors on Monday.
