Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Nein, nein, 9

Dear Readers,

October 12, we are nearly half way through this month and I only have one blog post up. As such I have decided that this must be remedied.

So today my topic of thought will be the 999 plan (which was not named by people yelling "no" in German) and more specifically how ridiculous some media has been with the title. The 999 plan is an economic plan one of the current Republican candidates for president, Herman Cain, has come up with. Before I say anything on the plan I must both applaud and disdain him for having a plan this early on. Applaud because he has a plan for something many don't and disdain because it isn't even 2012 yet and he is already campaigning hard enough to show off his plan.

But what actually got me interested in this is when you flip 999 you get 666 and you can find the devil in that. I was watching the news and someone said that, I forget who but it wasn't Michelle Bachman which does surprise me. Our news is at the point as to attack a political plan not by its contents but by trying to find the number of the beast in the plan. It's almost like saying Roosevelt Field Mall is actually a secret demonic prison made to house Cthulu because the office building across the street from it and by Panera's address is 666.

But because I think it is early to actually comment on the plan I will leave that for a later time and will provide you with a link about what the plan says.

( That's straight from the devil's mouth itself.

Hoping you enjoyed,

Mike Hand

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