Monday, June 18, 2012

Final Products

Dear readers,

Here is the video project I was talking about. Watch to about 9:48, after that there is one more scripted scene that looks like a blooper because its in the middle of three minutes of unnecessary bloopers. I won't speak too much on the final product here but as for notes I've already given:
-Learn your lines.
-The director should know everything in terms of cast ahead of time.
- Don't put bloopers at the end of a video (they'll probably never listen to me on that).

Now for what I feel is the meat of the post, that first poem I was working on. Right now it is tentatively called Travelers Poem however I am not really content with that name so I'll be thinking of another name soon enough.

Because of the limitations presented by Bloggers file upload system (you can only upload video and photo) and the fact that blogger will screw up my formatting if I cut and paste the file I have created a Google groups account where it can be accessed as a PDF file. I don't really know how this will work so if it doesn't work then can some one please tell me in the comments so that I can find a different work around?

With out further pause, here it is.

Thank you,

Mike Hand

Friday, June 15, 2012

Hello Again

Dear Readers,

I'm back for right now. To be honest if I'm not blogging I'm kind of bored and I feel like I'm working towards nothing, so I figured that I'd blog about what I've been up to.

First off the script I helped my friend write and make has been edited and put on Youtube. I'm kind of iffy about putting the link here because of the extensive blooper reel that takes over the end and makes it look as if the scripted ending may be nothing but a blooper and because of our low production quality (there is a scene where I am talking to my self and for whatever reason we decided that it was an OK disguise if I only wore a hat).

Second off I'm scripting something else for that group, a Walking Dead parody. I'm not entirely sure what made them want to do a Walking Dead parody of all things but I have some good ideas for the script.

Thirdly when I was in North Carolina I had written a ten section poem and know all thats left for it is for me to type it up and play with the format (one part in particular I want to do in Word Art). I think this one will probably end up here. On top of that I had the idea to do a poem where there are three simultaneous columns, one tells the story, another is the man in the story slowly going insane and the last column would be his the voice of his insanity which would be seen sporadically at first and then by the end be there every line. After that I return to tanka.

Fourthly the overarching project this summer will be South Pacific. I didn't get a call in regards to casting so I am probably ensemble which does free up some time for all the other projects.

Lastly, there is a good chance that I'll have a job this summer, making it likely that this will be the first summer where I'm not broke.

Until next time when its something other then plans,

Mike Hand

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Dear readers,

Yes, I do plan to keep this blog. For now though, I feel the need to say goodbye. I have been in this school district for 13 years (kindergarten to senior year) and to be honest, I'm glad to leave. I've come to the conclusion that I've been here for too long. Of course there will be people and things about the school I miss but I'm not shedding tears over leaving. The school hasn't been my sole life for the past four years.

But on to happier things. STAC Night was long, but it was pretty good and I liked that people liked my Zine. I also still have enough copies to use them as birthday presents (maybe in hindsight I should have charged people for them like Ellen. I would walk around and come back to see one or two turned to the back cover and out side the rubber band meaning that some one read it but didn't take it. If I charged them, they would have had to take it after that).

The making of the Zine was fun. It feels almost a mix of a laboratory and a factory. The laboratory being when your pressing buttons on the copying machine and the factory is when you get the settings right and make sixty copies.

Adios for now,

Mike Hand

PS. If anyone wants a Zine, please tell me. There should be enough to go around.