Monday, May 7, 2012

Project Progress 6

Dear readers,

I GOT THE BATTERY! Now caps die. Anyways on Friday I announced my plans which I shall now post here for convenience. First off I'm going to try and get poems published in (relatively) official places. I'm expecting rejection letters from most places. My plans with these are that if one or two uses an interesting phrase I'll center a poem around that phrase. I could also do the same for acceptance letters. On top of this I'm also trying to write a movie, of which I have a whopping thirteen pages completed on. I still have some work to do on that.

As for the criticism I received, it is quite clear that my poetry is by far not rhythmic enough. Of course that means I'm going to be spending one or two days working on my syllabic rhythm.

I also understand that I have yet to address artistic issues in a blog post. Lets take some time to do so now. In my most immediate work one would notice a lot of morbidity. Recently I have taken an obsession with death and what death means for people because of how much of it I have seen going around. There is a concern with friendship and what a friend is, with is seen as many of my poems do have a feeling of backstabbing involved. There is an issue with meaning and being what you mean to be. There is a feeling of darkness and many of the poems I wrote as pantoums are very dark in word choice. There is an obsession with anarchy and why people would follow one another. Hell, there probably is a lot more but I'll choose to stop there.

Hoping you enjoyed the read,

Mike Hand

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