Saturday, May 26, 2012

Project Progress 9

Dear readers,

I apologize for not doing one of these this entire week, I have been preoccupied. I can say that I've been writing 6-12 tankas a day and I will spend one day next week to go through them and choose the best out of all of them. On top of that yesterday I had the opportunity to write a ten section poem (everything down here is very far away from each other) and all that is left for it is for me to type it up, add on to it and play with a single part in word art.

From North Carolina,

Mike Hand

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Project Progress 8

Dear readers,

Before I start with this I would like to report that while I was on Youtube I saw that some one had started to use the world of Minecraft to explain the laws of science and how to measure things in a scientific matter. I fully expect the series to be horrible but it reminded me of the Grammar blog so I'll include a link to the channel in an edit later today.

Yesterday was mainly a research day so I do not have much to report on. I would much rather focus on today over tomorrow. To start the day off Luke told me to look up tanka, a Japanese form of poetry which is five lines long and follows a syllabic pattern of 57577, and to look up Sanford Goldstein. After looking up tanka I looked up Sanford and found a pretty interesting interview from him. I will include the link in the edit I'm making later. Along with that I found some examples of his poetry along with the double link tanka, which is when you write on tanka, then you have another guy write another tanka and then you link them all together. I am actually thinking of doing this. Not sure with who yet.

Here is some example of the tanka written today,
What does five lines give?
A sense of reality?
Perhaps the mind knows.
Perhaps the mind shalln't see;
Though only the mountain knows.
You don't disagree
When the sandman seeks his prey
Along the river
The accusations are made
For human rights are gone now.

So those are my samples, I hope you enjoyed them. Edit will come by seven o clock tonight with all the links.

Hoping you enjoyed,

Mike Hand

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Project Progress 7

Dear readers,

Today I found myself working on my side salad and realized that it was far more enjoyable for myself and moving at a much faster rate then my main project. As such I've decided to push the movie into the side salad (and possibly make it a longer term project for myself) and take my side salad of poetry and putting it as my main project.

So today, instead of playing around with styles, I began by taking lines from famous poems and juxtaposing them to see what I got. From there I started reading some Allen Ginsberg, namely "America". I loved how he used repetition of words and phrases so I began to copy that, stealing phrases from what people around me were saying. Every poem could use some work however I feel like it is a good start.

Thank you for reading,

Mike Hand

Monday, May 7, 2012

Project Progress 6

Dear readers,

I GOT THE BATTERY! Now caps die. Anyways on Friday I announced my plans which I shall now post here for convenience. First off I'm going to try and get poems published in (relatively) official places. I'm expecting rejection letters from most places. My plans with these are that if one or two uses an interesting phrase I'll center a poem around that phrase. I could also do the same for acceptance letters. On top of this I'm also trying to write a movie, of which I have a whopping thirteen pages completed on. I still have some work to do on that.

As for the criticism I received, it is quite clear that my poetry is by far not rhythmic enough. Of course that means I'm going to be spending one or two days working on my syllabic rhythm.

I also understand that I have yet to address artistic issues in a blog post. Lets take some time to do so now. In my most immediate work one would notice a lot of morbidity. Recently I have taken an obsession with death and what death means for people because of how much of it I have seen going around. There is a concern with friendship and what a friend is, with is seen as many of my poems do have a feeling of backstabbing involved. There is an issue with meaning and being what you mean to be. There is a feeling of darkness and many of the poems I wrote as pantoums are very dark in word choice. There is an obsession with anarchy and why people would follow one another. Hell, there probably is a lot more but I'll choose to stop there.

Hoping you enjoyed the read,

Mike Hand

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Project Progress 5

Dear readers,

On the down side of things my computer has absolutely no battery life left. On the bright side of things the new battery will be here in 3-7 days.

This has given me some time to write poetry during class and while it was hard to get off the ground at first I gave my self something to work with and I started playing around with rhyme schemes (something I don't normally do). I will probably continue this tomorrow so my task now is to figure out what to do with all the poems that shall be made. I'm thinking either a new site or trying to get them published although the latter may not yield swift results.

Thank you for reading tonight,

Mike Hand