Sunday, November 20, 2011

Video Games

Dear readers,

Today I shall do some talking. By talking I mean typing. And in this installment I shall discuss video games. Why video games? A friend of mine and myself were discussing them as an art form and it made me think, how much more art is in say Angry Birds to say Lunar: The Silver Star Story.

By "how much more art" I wish to mean should one type of game be considered more an art than another or should they simply be to each other what rock music is to country music and country music to classical music.

For the first option I can actually see that as realistic. Some video games require extensive amounts of script writing, voice acting and animation. Others like Tetris are essentially just the animation. Is Tetris as much fun or more fun than the other games? Yes, yes it is so instead of thinking of Tetris for the next sentence or so think of any other simple game that is addictive and played on a regular basis that also has no story line. A lot of people I know would argue that that game is far less fun then anything that has a story line. Which presents the problem, is one more art than another?

How ever before that question shall be addressed the question of whether or not is whether Tetris is on the same playing field as other puzzle games such as Portal. My answer to this would be simple, they are not. An action-adventure game designed for children (specifically as in not one for all ages) can't hold a candle to anything in the Lunar series let alone any mainstream Pokemon game. The way I see it the genres are going to become more and more split until they are more clearly defined at which point we will have to ask whether or not games like Angry Birds are video games. Regardless of the answer we will be answering the first question asked.

Hoping you enjoyed this outlook,

Mike Hand

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