Sunday, November 13, 2011

Character Development to Celebrate New Quarter

Dear readers,

As this new quarter has started I have figured that I may as well make a post because of the new quarter. To be perfectly serious the original intention of this post was turtles. Of course turtles don't make the best content so I took a walk and found ducks. Ducks however seem to make even less content for me then turtles so instead I will speak of what I'd do if I was an evil power hungry behind the scenes business executive because why not?

First off I would need cookies. They are a tasty treat and not so hard to make so in case I'm overthrown by some number two commander I will still have a souvenir from my time in power as long as the coup doesn't eat them.

Second off I would declare myself the Lord Supreme of all the Earth. Promptly after doing so I would tell the laws of nature to go away and find every place I can consider hell such as Centralia in Pennsylvania, Siberia and New Jersey. For those unaware Centralia is a place in Pennsylvania where a mine fire in the 60's was started causing dangerous toxins to be thrown into the air. And the fire rages to this day and is currently expanding. I would then use these places as threats to keep my subjects safe.

Third on the agenda is to destroy communism. Evil business man (and business man in general) hate communism and all it stands for so all that I said above? It's all part of a crusade against communism. The character is no longer evil but a relic of the cold war.

Can you see what I just did? Created a character that is in a position of power to celebrate the entering of the second quarter.

Hoping you enjoyed,

Mike Hand

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