Monday, October 24, 2011

The Dwarf

Dear readers,

So I looked up the Dwarf's name from Hanna and it is Isaac. After telling this to Luke and he brought up about how the name has religious meaning I have decided to investigate every last part of it and list it here:
  • Only son of Abraham
  • Patriarch of Isrealites (one of three)
  • Lived until he was 180 years old (pretty sure this wasn't the case with The Dwarf)
  • Name means "He laughs/will laugh"
  • Biblical character himself could represent old legendary heroes, semi nomadic leaders or a figure representing tribal history.
Of course we can't follow this to the bullet point because the Dwarf definitely did not live until he was 180 years old, his club does not appear to be called Isrealites and we don't know if his father was named Abraham. Although the character definitely seemed like the character that would want to get in the last laugh, with all the club owning, criminal activity and murdering for the a rogue government agent going on.

Semi nomadic leaders I can definitely see. Nomadic tribes are known for hunting and his goal in the film was hunting (in this case he was hunting Hanna). He would only be semi nomadic because he owns a club and could theoretically stay at the club however they in both cases the hunt would be out necessity. Perhaps back in nomadic days they had to leave for new pastures and in the case of the Dwarf he left because the Witch likely had blackmail on him and his criminal activities.

This is the relations I found and I hope it is enjoyable,

Mike Hand

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Power struggles

Dear readers,

I usually post for the sake of posting or to simply not to forget posting. However I see a lot of people posting about the events of the last few days so I feel as if it would be best for me to post my views on here. However before I post any view on here I would first like to make a disclaimer: if there is any seeming bias on this post not blatantly intended by myself then please tell me and on Monday that bias will be thrown out. The purpose of this post is to create a blank slate for which I can work with next week.

That said I thought Ashley's idea is sheer genius. A massive multi media project encompassing music, acting, film, photography and possibly more. It is an amazingly ambitious project that I'm surprised more people didn't think of instantly. I would like to ask that any and all seniors reading this take a second thought on the idea for the simple reason that it is a genius idea.

Now I'd like to give a reason for why I'm against improv. Yes, you are STAC. Yes, you are some of the most talented, if not the most talented, people at what you do. That said I have ridden horses for over half a decade and was usually put into competitions that I shouldn't have been able to have handled (especially not at five in the morning). Did I win all of them? No, but I never "lost" one and I always came home with something.

What I'm trying to say is a few things. First off we can't win everything. Do we have to lose everything? Not at all but it is impossible to win at everything but I would love it if we all walked away with from this project with something.

Now for the next thing I have to do another anecdote which would make the first line of that paragraph just a little while ago make sense. "Now I'd like to give a reason for why I'm against improv." I believe it was. Last year almost a year ago a friend of mine called me and a bunch of other people to create a film group because he had to make a video project so why not make a film group? The majority of the video was improv however my friend knew the ending, he had a clear assignment and criteria that we followed and it was a great video. Then he called us together for a project that he had no real vision for the ending. It turned out terribly and I asked if I could write a script and was turned down. We then made another version of it which they insisted on showing to Mr. Brogan. He complimented me and that was our highest honor because the video was terrible. To date now this project has wasted hours of my time and we have ten scripts that will probably never meet the camera.

What does this have to do with any of you? It's the reason why I'm against doing Improv in a large project like this. Sure you might say "But we're more responsible and better" but that's what those people thought until they deluded themselves into thinking there project was good. Like wise what proof do I have that any one's more responsible when none of these people have been screwing around on random computers while there is a discussion going on?

If you read any part of this then read this. Power struggles are fun to watch but not be a part of. What I'm scared of is that everyone will come in on Monday with everything but a clean slate. What I fear is that we will break out into another struggle. I'll even drop my reasons against doing improv if everyone else drops all hostilities, be they accidental or purposeful, speaks respectfully to one another and comes in with an open mind.

Surprised if you read all that,

Mike Hand

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Nein, nein, 9

Dear Readers,

October 12, we are nearly half way through this month and I only have one blog post up. As such I have decided that this must be remedied.

So today my topic of thought will be the 999 plan (which was not named by people yelling "no" in German) and more specifically how ridiculous some media has been with the title. The 999 plan is an economic plan one of the current Republican candidates for president, Herman Cain, has come up with. Before I say anything on the plan I must both applaud and disdain him for having a plan this early on. Applaud because he has a plan for something many don't and disdain because it isn't even 2012 yet and he is already campaigning hard enough to show off his plan.

But what actually got me interested in this is when you flip 999 you get 666 and you can find the devil in that. I was watching the news and someone said that, I forget who but it wasn't Michelle Bachman which does surprise me. Our news is at the point as to attack a political plan not by its contents but by trying to find the number of the beast in the plan. It's almost like saying Roosevelt Field Mall is actually a secret demonic prison made to house Cthulu because the office building across the street from it and by Panera's address is 666.

But because I think it is early to actually comment on the plan I will leave that for a later time and will provide you with a link about what the plan says.

( That's straight from the devil's mouth itself.

Hoping you enjoyed,

Mike Hand

Saturday, October 8, 2011

25 Follower special

I have been debating if I would have another follower special and so I decided I would. This will be a stream of consciousness script.

(Begin scene. There are 2 man, one has an orange and the other does not. The first man bounces the orange while the other stares at it, ready to pounce. A bear is heard outside.)

Man 1: Why are you looking at my orange?
Man 2: Well what else would I look at?
Man 1: My face.
(There is a long pause as Man 2 is simply disgusted and walks around there small confines to find anything to eat going so far as to crawl on the floor.)
Man 1: Ok, this has gone on far to long. You only haven't eaten in an hour how can you be that hungry?
Man 2: It is not right to taunt a starving man.
Man 1: How have I- oh right the orange. Do you want the orange?
Man 2: Not after you have defiled its sacredness!
(Man 1 begins to eat the orange while man 2 throws himself at man 1's feet. The bear is heard again but louder.)
Man 2: You can't I'm starving.
Man 1: Look be quiet.
Man 2 (violently): I'm starving!
Man 1 (screaming): There's a bear out there!
Man 2: Oh.
(Suddenly the bear is heard again as the tent is ripped open. The bear is revealed to be a group of teenagers who all happen to be controlled by a single unified consciousness as represented be a long colorful scarf. Everyone laughs as they show their fruit basket as Man 2 throws himself at the fruit basket and eats the fruit. Everyone looks puzzled including a real bear that has wandered in. The bear then exits the same way it came in. Everyone is puzzled but proceed to laugh anyways. End scene.)