Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Dear readers,

I now prepare to leave from this area and with that, my summer will close and my school year shall begin. I can't say I actually got much done this summer so I'll have to step up during the year and get a ton of stuff done. Right now I'm trying to get back into the groove of bass playing and I picked myself up a new harmonica to replace the one that disappeared on me.

Otherwise, I now work towards trying to figure out exactly what I should do. I could work on a large poem, work on one of two novel ideas I had, making more tanka or focus more on my musical skills. OK, I think no matter what the music will become a side salad but in the meantime, this is what I'm trying to figure out for myself.

Thank you for reading,

Mike Hand

Monday, August 20, 2012

Play done

Dear readers,

I believe it only appropriate that we take a moment of silence on all the files on my old laptop. I got a new one recently and the old one had all of its files erased when we gave it to my sister. They shall be sorely missed.

Other wise South Pacific has closed for myself. It has been an interesting journey full of fun, mischief and plenty of raw stupidity but alas it has come to an end. I've seen some people who look like they have... promise and one person I regularly tried to convert into a congress kid. I hope she takes the tip as I think the organization would suit her.

Although there is also some celebration with this new laptop. It is far faster, far more advanced and with much better battery life then my old laptop. The only down side is that I lost all the files I had to upload to the Youtube account. That may be a good thing, I got tired of doing the same old stuff so maybe it is time to do something different.

On top of that I re did the first chapter of the novel and made it a page long instead of half a page long (I know its pathetic but I needed something to work off of and I expect to return to it) and I had another idea for a novel. I'm going to have to put that aside until this one is done.

Hoping summer has been well,

Mike Hand

Friday, August 10, 2012

Day Off

Dear readers,

Long time no read, how have you been? I apologize for not posting in a while but between the show, work and the girl there is not much time left to me in a day. This means that I have not gotten much done at all. Although I have been reading A Song of Ice and Fire which has caused me to change the movie I was working on into a novel with numerous POV views. I can already see that I need to practice that more. I will give you no illusions about what I've gotten done this summer with a list:

-Started a novel.
-Started a triple lane poem.
-Started reading A Song of Ice and Fire series by George R.R. Martin.
-Got a job.
-Listened to Thick As a Brick 2 by Ian Anderson.

Now for my failures:

-Finishing all the above
-Not working on as much tanka.

I'd post up examples but there is nothing that I'm excessively proud of right now.

Enjoy the rest of your summer,

Mike Hand