Sunday, February 26, 2012

Me Trying to Makes Sense of a Stray Thought

Dear readers,

Well this has been a while. Long enough that I feel somewhat obliged to make a post but also somewhat clueless as what the post should address. I could do something easy such as Occupy Wall Street protesters having marched into the Queens Supreme Court and making a ruckus but that hardly seems post worthy. Come to think of it the biggest thing I did this weekend was realizing that while I really wanted a post made I didn't really have much to make a post about.

One thought led to another and I decided on trying an analysis on Model Congress and seeing if it is more than what it name says. Now there is a reason I am doing this. That reason is that I have been in it for four years and I want to see what direction it is going in. In order to do that I have to see where it is now. There are a few reasons I am doing this here with the first and foremost being that this blog has become my primary blog that I am using. The second reason is that I'm not sure if many people in congress will be able to grasp what I am trying.

Model in this case means a miniature representation of something while congress means the legislative body of the United States of America. Therefore we attempt to model the congress of the United States of America. The first argument popping into my head is that we have because we have debate topics ranging from issues in the year 2050 to whether or not we like Kim Kardashian. However because those are essentially jokes it does not model the serious manner of congress and therefore fails the definition.

That is what would appear to be true. I kept thinking on it and realized how dumb I was. Those were not evidence of failure but evidence for seeing what we were and expanding it from the inside out. What I had been a part of had already expanded itself far beyond what it was. I'm not sure if I should be glad about this or somewhat disappointed. Glad because I was apart of an organization that is more than an organization or disappointed because I have no way to tell where it is heading. I am leaving many friends and likely my sister will join in the high school and while I'd love to tell them what they can expect in the next few years I can't. Perhaps I should give up on trying to understand it and just let time take its course. Maybe that makes me a failure but that is better then being nothing.

Thank you for reading me making sense of my thoughts,

Mike Hand

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