Dear readers,
Recently, I have been working on a play based on "The Rock" by Harry Chapin. Its not a very well known song and I definitely recommend you to check it out. More importantly I would like to share a scene with you. I do hope that you enjoy it.
Hoping it is enjoyed,
Mike Hand
Scene 3 (The scene is the back of the school. AUGUST sits cross legged staring at the rock. From stage right MR. MATTHEWS enters.) MR. MATTHEWS Lets make this quick August, you know what I want. AUGUST Yes I do. MR. MATTHEWS Here’s my money. AUGUST You’re short fifty. MR. MATTHEWS What? AUGUST You’re short Jerome. You punched me in the face so I raised the price for you. MR. MATTHEWS You can’t do that. AUGUST Now you’re short seventy five. (CONTINUED)
CONTINUED: 6. MR. MATTHEWS Excuse me? AUGUST You’re excused Jerome. Go home. MR. MATTHEWS I think I’m going to have to have a word with the Judge. AUGUST You do that, his opinion holds no weight to me. MR. MATTHEWS The man speaks with God, his opinion is all that matters. AUGUST And what of his wife? MR. MATTHEWS She serves him well. AUGUST Are you sure about that? MR. MATTHEWS Of course I am, if she didn’t she’d be like you now. Wouldn’t she? AUGUST I served this land well. MR. MATTHEWS Not well enough it seems. AUGUST Fuck you Jerome. MR. MATTHEWS I bet you’ve been waiting to say that forever. AUGUST Proud of yourself? MR. MATTHEWS Very. AUGUST Why are you still here? (CONTINUED)
CONTINUED: 7. MR. MATTHEWS I’m still deliberating on whether or not the Judge should hear this issue. (There is a long pause. AUGUST stands up and tosses MR. MATTHEWS a bag of marijuana.) AUGUST Never again. MR. MATTHEWS Fine. (Mr. Matthews exits stage left.)
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