Saturday, January 26, 2013

End of Hiatus

Dear readers,

As my nineteenth birthday approaches I find it appropriate to restart old projects of mine; namely this blog. The blog died because of the amount of work I had, and while I have no doubt that that will happen again, I wish to try again.

My original purpose on this blog was to share and discuss my work with my readers, however I haven't written much recently and my readership had dropped dramatically by the time I went on hiatus. These facts make me want to discuss them so that I can be past, and beyond, them.

In regards to my writing, I haven't had a clear head in the past few months and I swamped myself with projects. Between trying to write two or three tanka a day, a chapter a day and a drawing a day I fear I pushed myself over with what I could handle. I could conceptualize it all so clearly but that amounted to nothing in the end.

My current goal on this front is a tanka a day and both a chapter and drawing a week (maybe now I can finish more than three chapters to any form of satisfaction).

In regards to my readership drop, I can think of two things. The first reality is that all my followers come from the same pool of people who read blogs as they have to, at least for the most part. As my blog no longer counts as a blog that can be read for an assignment it is natural that readership would drop off. The second reality is a lack of good content. My most recent content has been terrible, which has gone along with my head not being clear at the time. I wasn't focusing on the quality but rather the quantity and with my new goals in place I hope to keep my head clearer.

To all reading this: Thank you,

Michael Hand

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